Sunday, February 21, 2010

Project Wonderland : Sample Shape Tutorial

Hi folks... Today I am working with a Project Wonderland tutorial on developing a basic module. To get to this point I had to download the source and module system code, compile, and test and try them out. I was having problems for awhile with errors in the server output. Eventually today I figured out that in some cases when the server doesn't shut down properly, read and/or write perms on some log files may be hosed and prevent proper startup next run. Here's me trying out the PDF Viewer module, before I go off on the current tutorial material.

And here's me after completing the steps in the tutorial to download, build, install, and test the shape sample module.

Pretty simple! So my next steps are to:

1. Generate ideas for what I would like to create a module for.
2. Continue inspecting the server logs and code in order to keep getting more familiar with the inner workings of the infrastructure.
3. See what work has been done or is being planned on things like application performance and monitoring.

See ya next time!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Singularity U : Phillip Rosedale

Watching the Singularity U talk from Philip Rosedale, now formerly of Second Life, on YouTube. Singularity University... This talk was uploaded to singularityu's channel on youtube on 01/31/2010.

Its an enjoyable talk and about every 5 minutes I hear something that perks my ears up.

* Take control of the atoms in the real world as the real world becomes more malleable

* As we take control of the atoms in the virtual world we can convert creativity into money

* Yes! To hell with conference calls. Phillip describes ...

* Memory Palace

* Building vs. buying, 1 out of 1000 in music business is listened to, is that a social norm.